Hello everyone! As you may know, our annual Spring Sale is coming up this Saturday, 4/27. In preparation for this, as we do every sale, we will be closing the studio early on Friday evening, at 4pm. If you are participating in the sale, feel free to come by after 4pm to start setting up. We will be closed for clay work during the day on Saturday while the sale is taking place, and will resume normal hours at 6pm that evening. Thank you all for your understanding in regards to this, and we really hope you can make it to the sale! Every year is better than the last, thanks to you all! If there’s any questions, please let me know!
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Hi @jaredhostutler, quick question, will the studio be open tonight to pick up glazed pieces? Or closed entirely?
Hello hello for anyone following this post! Pleasant addendum to the Saturday hours. We will be opening back up for clay work at 6pm, as opposed to being closed the whole night. Sorry for any confusion, and we hope you can make it to the sale!