Hi everyone. I want to update you all on our tests and takeaways from experimenting with adjustments to our glaze firing cycle in the hopes of reducing bloating in the charcoal clay.
We've settled on a new firing schedule that is slightly cooler than our traditional cone 6 glaze schedule, but with a 15 minute hold. We're using a cone offset to reduce peak temperature 15 degrees. We found that a true cone 5 firing, even with a very long hold, left the glazes looking a tad underfired, and the color of the clay bodies looking a shade off.
With this new schedule, we're seeing really nice glaze melting, and importantly no bloating so far. This change is minor enough though that I suspect we'll still see in frequent examples of the bloating. If you get a piece out of the kiln that has bloating - let us know! We'd like to keep track of it.
Thanks so much!!