We figured out how connect our community app with the website, so I'm just happy to be here. Are people finding this useful? Let us know if you have ideas about additional helpful information that we could post to this community board. - Ned
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Welcome to The Kiln Post. This is where Indigo Fire students, teachers, staff and friends of the studio can ask questions, receive updates and make connections with each other. You'll find information like glaze updates, kiln unloadings, student glaze results, new studio features, new studio policies, events, and any other topic the community may think to bring up.
To join, you need to download the Wix Spaces App. You can search and download it on your mobile or desktop app store. Here is a link if you're having trouble finding it. Once you've downloaded the app, use the invite code: UZ5F9K to find our page.
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I’ve already found it useful, in two ways! I lost some bats, so I had someplace to put a call out. I sometimes want to strategize about stopping by the studio based on if I have pots coming out of the kiln. I noticed that folks are posting when there’s new stuff out, and that’s so helpful! (Also, I love seeing everyone’s new work, and just knowing new stuff is out is energizing.) I can imagine being able to track a student down here who I talk to at the studio, to share a resource or ask a question. I’ve also seen a great finished piece and saw that someone else put a note in it to ask how they accomplished that glaze, that technique, etc. If that happened here, we’d all get to learn from it! (If you can’t tell, I think this is great.)